
January 31, 2020


November 28, 2019

Energetix 2019/ Berlin

September 17, 2019

Energetix 2019/ Wellness

September 17, 2019

Energetix 2019/ Behind the Scenes

September 16, 2019

Emanuel Cafe

August 13, 2019

I’m a Cyborg

June 9, 2019

Planeta Winery

April 5, 2019

Caprai Innovation Hub

April 5, 2019

Osteria Arbustico

March 25, 2019

A shadow on Meritocracy

March 16, 2019

La Fiammante – corporate 2018

March 16, 2019


February 2, 2019

Macro Colors

January 7, 2019

Bonajuto – Fattojo

November 14, 2018


November 7, 2018

Lost in Tuscany

November 2, 2018

Caprai vendemmia integrale

October 22, 2018

Foodstock cosmic edition

September 13, 2018

Energetix Sardegna 2018

September 11, 2018


August 12, 2018

Un’Estate da Re

June 26, 2018

Antonio Amato

April 26, 2018

Open Onlus

April 26, 2018

Floating Colors

February 20, 2018

Arnaldo Caprai – Inverno

February 15, 2018


December 19, 2017

Campania – Percorsi dell’Anima

November 15, 2017

Energetix BTS Sicily

November 15, 2017

Vanessa Beecroft VB82

September 3, 2017


September 3, 2017

Humans of Italy

September 3, 2017

L'esperienza del filmato di Marius Mele ha messo a nudo l'assenza di una "strategia Paese"

Max Bergami - Il Sole 24 Ore

"Sicily", il video che vi porta alla scoperta delle bellezze della Sicilia

Huffington Post Italia

"Sicily": la bellissima cartolina dalla Sicilia che sta emozionando internet

Corriere della Sera

La bellezza della Sicilia in 3 minuti, un viaggio che ha incantato il Web

La Stampa

Non solo una cartolina, ma un atto d'amore per l'Isola: "Sicily", il video che emoziona il web

Il Giornale di Sicilia

Marius Mele artigiano filmmaker

Giuseppe Riviello
Projects Completed
Emotions to Actions

We use audience insight to work out how to tell a story that will connect emotionally and drive meaningful actions.

High Quality Video

Our expert team use best practice approaches, equipment and technology to deliver only high quality video production. Video in HD to 4K and above

Tailored Strategy

We’re always trying to make your life easier, by communicating throughout, improving processes and sharing ideas and knowledge to help you grow.

Through our core disciplines of strategy, design and filmmaking, we help companies find their greatness and tell their story.

We translate complex ideas and processes into compelling, relatable, and visually dynamic short films designed to inform, entertain, and connect with your target audience.

Our approach places a premium on honesty, beauty and drama.

“Marketing is telling a story about your value that resonates enough with people that they want to give you money”

Seth Godin

Marius Mele

Director / DoP

Il video è un messaggio universale, ci ricorda che siamo tutti esseri umani, è la comunione dell’uomo, perché prima che la carne si fece verbo, fu video. quindi dico ai giovani amate e riproducete. PLAY

Marius MeleIlSole24Ore

Il mestiere si evolverà anche senza di te. Il mestiere scomparirà, rimarranno i video. A guardarci, loro a noi.

Marius MeleIlSole24Ore

I’m Marius Mele, NOOR co-founder, we’re a boutique video production company based in Assisi – Umbria, with office in Salerno and Milano, we cover Italy and Europe. We’re focused on corporate and commercials video, we’ll help you to tell your story and convey your message.

I love to create images, and convey the emotions I feel into video. To do this I challenge myself everyday to become better and better, filmmaking it’s my sport and to win a race you can’t stop training. My work it’s really personal, I’m like an artisan taking care of every aspect of the production.

Read the full interview on IlSole24Ore “Marius Mele artigiano filmmaker” by Giuseppe Rivello